
Slender legs? here is a simple exercise that really works

Gambe magre

Slender legs? Why not. Or rather, why should we deny it. In summer, more than eve, it is a fairly widespread desire. And not only for fit addicted. The dream of slender legs is the leitmotif of this season. Doing something for that is not so difficult. Consistency is the key word. Realism the other one. In fact, no one will wake up tomorrow – and even in a year or 10 – with Gisele’s legs. However, excellent results can be obtained with a simple routine.

One of the greatest works of ART in the world: a woman with nice legs coming out of a car” – Charles Bukoswki

Slender legs? Walking: here is the most effective exercise

Perhaps you have already read it, maybe it may seem trivial and you have never experienced. Walking: the most effective method with sure results. Every day at least 30 minutes walking – preferably a fast one. This is the simplet secret for slimmer legs. It’s not so hard to imagine why. Brisk walking is one of the few activities that do not produce lactic acid. Extremely detrimental to one of the most common imperfections such as cellulite.

If done with proper footwear ensures the right posture and allows the muscles to work properly. If practiced after a targeted training session and, at a high speedthe one to enter the body in aereobica phase – it allows to burn excess fat.

Some other tips to be associated with walking for slender legs

The rules associated with this activity, useful for reducing cellulite, are not very different from those of an healthy life routine.

  1. Drink water – at least 1,5 L
  2. Eat fruits and vegetables
  3. Eat proteins
  4. Avoid sugars, drinks with gas, acohol and tobacco
  5. Massage legs with specific nti-cellulite oil products – although it is not proven their effectiveness, a massage is definitely a great help.
  6. Complete your daily routine with 20 \ 30 training minuts. Front lunges ( 3 made of 20 ). Grand plie (3 made of 20). Squat (3 made of 20).

Whether it is true that:

A beautiful woman is not the one for which you praise her beautiful legs or arms, but one whose overall appearance is of such beauty as to remove the possibility to admire the individual parts“. Lucio Anneo Seneca

it is also true that these few steps will help you to do something for yourself and feel better about your apparel.

gambe magre

Gambe magre

Gambe magre

Gambe magre Gambe magre Gambe magre Gambe magre