
Hello december!


Hello December! one of the most searched terms on the internet today, looking for inspirational images. In reality the 1st of December it is not that much different from other days, or maybe yes.

Hello december what is going to happen

Surely something extraordinary is happening here today, in the Eternal City. Karl Lagerfeld will present in the Cinecittà‘s theater 5 the same one where Fellini filmed many times his short film on Coco’s life with a special couture show. Rome and Paris will be linked once again thanks to fashion power who is a way to forget for a while world’s insecurities and ugliness.
Buongiorno Marinella

Perfect activities to say Hello december!

It is the right day to open the first box of the Christmas’calendar. When I was a baby girl, the calendar was only about a chocolate per day or a mini plastic doll, now you’ll be spoiled for choice.

Mini lipsticks, eye shadows, pendants, bracelets and much more. It‘s time to find a new recipe for cinnamon tea that can not miss in the cold evenings, with the plaid on the sofa, watching a movie. It’s time to make a wishlist, to do the past year’s budget, the goals for the future and to be all better ones.

The month of the little markets, the parties with a Christmas theme, time for hugs, kisses under the mistletoe many of us still buy it – and holly. It is the moment when the greatest sorrows come out, but also the right time to throw them away and look to the future

Good morning in December, I know  you can everything.

Recipe for cinnamon Sundanese tea 

Cinnamon is known for its beneficial properties. The Sundanese tea’s reciper is to boil the cinnamon sticks directly into the water, to increase the flavor and aroma.
One of the oldest ways to warm up, using a spice that has been used for its properties for thousands of years.

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