Green inspiration #95_the power of a landscape

Perfect balance… Perfetto equilibrio…

after these I’ll go back to my frivolous and fashionable side

When the words begin to go out I don’t want to stop…

to somebody special

There are stories that begin and stories that end. No matter what…

I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster and leaves less room for lies.

lovisa burfitt – There are people who do not need words to…

Two fishes swimming in opposite direction

Zodiac Sign: Pisces. Silent, enveloping, light. There is no time. There are…

Your life is your life

A friend of mine sent me this poem, yesterday…words that gave a…

Urban fairytale

Wednesday, 5th of December. I want to believe in an urban fairy…

Japan love_tradition and innovation

When I think of lights and sounds that disorient and fascinate me,…

Green inspiration #95: before a dance performance

There are moments that overwhelm you. They had overwhelmed in the past….


English tex below this time ❤ Ormai parlo di me ogni giorno,…