Wear the rainbow trend!

Wear the rainbow trend. It could be either a metaphor for life,…

5 must-see movies that have inspired fashion

Must-see movies that keep on inspiring fashion and photography. “Unlike all other…

Rossella Jardini fashion that loves fashion

Rossella Jardini seems to be one of the few that continues to…

Batman vs Superman, movie or reality

“Batman vs Superman Dawn to Justice” is just the title of a movie…

Amato Daniele shoes, genesis of a collection

Amato Daniele shoes shows us how looking at a young designer’s new…

Ski chic Vist the latest trend about technique

Ski chic Vist is one of the latest trends. A chance to…

Bomber jacket the trend bottom up

Bomber jacket,nothing to do with a duvet, no relation with a blazer….

Contemporary storyteller of images and dreams

  Contemporary storyteller is the way I wish to introduce and define…

CLUSE watches, run time in style

CLUSE watches: Dutch, minimalist and very sophisticated. Do you remember Mies Van…

Terrace in Autumn, the second Spring

Terrace in Autumn and I can smell the cinnamon tea and imagine…