
New global trend, not only for fashion. Union and sharing

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Have you noticed that lately the trend is joining forces to get where you can not go by yourself? It’s what Mark Zuckemberg recently admitted in his presentation at the Luiss University in Rome:

The secret of success is teamwork

If a team is needed to conceive and carry forward the most popular social network, imagine how necessary it is in more complex and competitive fields. This is the case of groups such as LVMH and Kering. The giants of luxury that have merged historical brands to establish itself on the global market. If Louis Vuitton has the need to join with Dior, Fendi, Celine, Givenchy, Bulgari (to name a few) in LVMH and Gucci allies with Bottega Veneta, Saint Laurent, Balenciaga (always to name others) in Kering, it is simple to understand how difficult it is being alone.

New global trend is using common people’s forces from the top

As it is clear from the beginning, this is a strategy that concerns the strongest, not the weakest. Are the powerful ones who act as catalysts and aggregate small identities from which they benefit.

In name of what?

Often simply visibility or the ability to grow a certain authority. This started years ago, near the beginning of the spread of the blogging phenomenon in Italy, with the it-girl of Grazia. In more recent times with Glamour’s beauty reporter and a few days ago with Donna Moderna initiative.

What is the aim?

Always the same. Collect low labor, ideas, suggestions, shares, contacts and visibility. More or less. More or less because in reality each of the projects mentioned above, has some differences and specificity.

The new global trend however is not just about female website made for women who desire to express opinions. Or thinking about our vanity. If this is true for the Donna Moderna’s “real women” that in exchange for the highest amount of clicks, promises you to be featured in photo shoots published on their magazine.

It is definitely not the reason that brings Business of Fashion to think about sharing. With its daily digest, brings together daily articles published in The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Fortune and others. After a short abstract, sends the reading directly on the original site.

Is this is  a way to build a good link building strategy?

To be a Business of Fashion contributor

 The portal also offers an opportunity to increase authority to those who work, writes and thinks in the fashion world.

With the  OP-ED project, Business of Fashion gives the opportunity for everyone to write articles on a variety of topics. The recommended length is 700-800 words and the article should be sent to

This is a smart way and a sense of giving voice to the ideas and opinions that deserve to be heard.

From multi opinion portals to fashion collections created with social network

Until now we have spoken of written contributions, of platforms that link to a mutual exchange of favors. But there’s more. This is the case of Tommy Hilfiger that after the boom achieved due to see now buy now and Gigi Hadid’s collection, has decided to create the next one with the help of his followers. Until 31 October was in fact possible to comment on videos, pictures and posts. Not only. It was possible to choose from a range of selected leaders who, once chosen, will parade on the catwalk in February and will be purchased directly after the show.

I don’t know if all these phenomena are part of the democratization of fashion, just like the low cost chains that allow everyone to access the latest trend, or it is just a marketing process that will gain visibility to a few with the help of many.

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 cosa va di moda oggi, tendenze autunno inverno 2016, colori moda autunno inverno 2016, editoriale di moda, editoriale fotografico di moda vintage, moda autunno inverno 2016, moda del momento, fashion blog Italia, top fashion blog, notizie dal mondo della moda, fashion blogzine roma, indipendent italian fashion webmagazine, italian fashion inspirer, fashion blog 2016, tendenza velluto autunno inverno 2016  cosa va di moda oggi, tendenze autunno inverno 2016, colori moda autunno inverno 2016, editoriale di moda, editoriale fotografico di moda vintage, moda autunno inverno 2016, moda del momento, fashion blog Italia, top fashion blog, notizie dal mondo della moda, fashion blogzine roma, indipendent italian fashion webmagazine, italian fashion inspirer, fashion blog 2016, tendenza velluto autunno inverno 2016

Editoriale moda vintage

ph. \\\\\\\ Elisa Rinaldi

abito e bomber \\\\ Zara

scarpe \\\\\\\\\\\\ hm