
10 actions that will improve your skin

10 actions that will improve your skin

10 actions that will improve your skin. Not the usual list, but a mini guide made of simple tips that if repeated daily and consistently will bring great results. It’s true that in this endless search of perfection and beauty is hard to trust everything that is written and said, but these are small rules for a healthy and effective daily routine.

10 actions that will improve your skin: petite beaute

  1. Drink water. Everybody says it, but it is absolutely the most effective tip. It is essential and not difficult to understand how important is to hydrate the skin from inside. Drink 1.5 L of water per day will allow your skin to be more relaxed and smooth – just like when you water withered plants  and they immediately regain vigor and freshness.
  2. Eat good fats. At least three nuts a day, pumpkin seeds, avocados, berries and citrus fruits in general. The vitamins E and C, as well as natural antioxidants contained in dried fruit, will increase the natural defenses of the skin.
  3. Never go out without sun protection factor.  A skin protection factor 15 + – contented in almost all creams – is enough to be sure your skin is protected everyday. Avoid sun exposure and pollution. Your skin will thank you in future years.
  4. Avoid wearing make up everyday. Although you are using excellent quality make-up, day after day, it can be harmful. If you have no particular commitments, let your skin breathe. Try to go out with your moisturizer, covering up only small imperfections and with a lot of mascara. The “soap and water look” is increasingly popularity.
  5. Sleep enough. It may seems a trivial rule, but it is necessary to give the skin time to rejuvenate and unwind. If the hours of sleep are not enough it is inevitable that the face appears tired, drawn and inevitably more marked.
  6. Scrub at least twice a week. With a natural product or  simply with lemon and sugar.
  7. Outdoor physical activity every day. Walking, running, cycling. Anything that makes your body and mind breathe. If you do not have time, just get off the bus a stop before and avoid taking the car or scooter.
  8. Meditate. It has nothing to do with your religion. You can practice yoga, stay 10 minutes in silence with her legs crossed on the couch or recite a mantra. The important thing is to take some time  for themselves and get rid of the negativity by focusing on the present.
  9. Never go to bed without washing your face. Even if you are not wearing make up during the day, the skin is accumulating the stress of the day. Washing your face before sleeping is critical. As well as putting a serum or oil, maybe a rose one.
  10.  Never sleep crushing your face heavely on the pillow. Ideally, you should always sleep onyour back. If you can’t manage it, you can sleep on the side still being careful not to place your face with all the weight on the pillow.

A powerful mind is tip #0 among 10 actions that will improve your skin

Try to be happy. The mind has a huge influence on our mental and physical well-being.Being able to transform emotions into positive energy makes us even more beautiful.

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