
Urban gardens, terrarium & kokedama


Urban gardens, terrarium & kokedama are green details to decor bringing pieces of nature home, because an interior with the typical characteristics of an exterior is original, creative and above all, always different. Turning corners of an apartment into small green spaces, adding vegetal elements easy to maintain, it is a growing trend. A home full of life is made of corners, like a collage of moods and styles that change with the seasons, as well as with the needs of its inhabitants.

Urban gardensterrarium and the Japanese kokedama are just a few ways to do it. When the guerilla gardener began to speak about cultivating the city, trying to plant a flower or an aromatic herb in every corner of our abandoned metropolis, they seemed an isolated and quite naive phenomenon. But the more time passes, the more balconies of big cities get greener. Sprouting trees, flowers, small gardens and plant walls. Everyone tries, its on way, to replace a piece of concrete with a personal idea of vegetation.

I have not yet figured out if decorating with green and the consequent desire for nature, is an ancestral calling, a desire for entertainment, typical of that feeling of carefree when you are outdoor, or simply an aesthetic need. Whatever the reason, is, it is a lasting trend.

As in many other fields, in interior decoration there are those who like to create everything theirselves, the famous DIY lovers, those who know how to do everything and do it with creativity; then there are those who prefer to take ideas from magazines, online websites and blogs, and those who want to buy their little piece of nature pret a porter. For the latter, there are many possibilities and DaWanda, with its proposals about how to create a small urban garden, a terrarium to decorate art-deco tables and rings made with mini kokedama made of succulent plants, is one of them.ilovegreeninspiration_dawanda_greendetails_orti_06ilovegreeninspiration_green_terrace_011 copy

If you have limited space you can think of hanging pots on the balcony or on the kitchen ceiling, you’ll have your favorite herbs ready to be used. If you have a terrace or a corner of the living room, you can use small plants in order to create green oases in mini pots of copper, wood and zinc. But decorating with green is not just about herbs and a green thumb. There are ways that require zero care as objects alive and changing with time and colors of nature. With a terrarium you can use any form of transparent vase, fill in part with soil and planting plants that live almost exclusively of air and light.

Urban gardens, terrarium & kokedamaUrban gardens, terrarium & kokedama

And if it is true that “there is no place like home“, it is right to find a way to care for and renew it, continously. The Orientals, famous for their being able to live in contact with nature even in small spaces, teach us new opportunities and today finding a kokedama (ball of moss) is extremely simple. But if you really can not imagine your interior as an outsider, you can still think about wearing a plant ring, a pendant that contains a small garden or just wait, until you decide to bring home your piece of nature. It will make you feel like a room without a ceiling.

 Urban gardens, terrarium & kokedama

anello kokedama fatto a mano dagli artisti di DaWanda

Urban gardens, terrarium & kokedama Urban gardens, terrarium & kokedama