
Quotes about fashion by those who make it

Quotes about fashion to write the Gospel according to Yves, Karl, Coco, George, Oscar, Elsa, Vionnet and many other, more or less known, characters of this frivolous and complex world. A small collection of aphorisms, pronounced by chance or as a slogan written on the covers of books, to reflect on the meaning of abused words as style and trend, or to try to understand that insane wish to always buy something, to copy someone else or indulge yourself in bizarre juxtapositions and attitudes. Not only designers, but also journalists, writers and costume designers who have worked in fashion and who have been called to be critical and sometimes contemptuous. Among the hundreds of quotes, the most unusual and less common viewpoints.


<< Walk like three men were behind you >> – Oscar de la Renta – this is what the king of red carpet think, the man behind the glitzy evening gowns of today’s divas.


<< I wanted to invent a single thing in life: blue jeans: there is nothing more spectacular, more practical, more relaxed and laid back. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity all I want for my clothes >> – Yves Saint Laurent

giorgio armani

<< Style is having courage of your choices, and also the courage to say no. It is about taste and culture >> – Giorgio Armanithese are the only words the king of casual elegance and sophisticated minimalism could say.

Tamara Mellon

<< The triumph of the accessories in this age is easily explained. People dress in an increasingly unstructured and casual way. Shoes and bags are theonly ones that can give the sexy touch to any look >> – Tamara Mellonthe co founder of the luxury brand Jimmy Choo that has obviously made her fortune in accessories.

Karl Lagerfeld

<<The fashion is neither moral nor immoral, but it is made to bring up the humour>> – Karl Lagerfeldone of the most contemptuous among the designers, with his austere and suspicious expression of those who know that everything will be successful “Karl, who?”

victoria beckham

<< I can not concentrate with flat shoes >> – Victoria Beckamsomeone said that with the right shoes a woman can conquer the world and isn’t this the Victoria?’s case!?

Audrey Hepburn

<< Elegance is the only beauty that never fades>> – Audrey Hepburn

diane von furstenberg wrap dress

diane von furstenberg wrap dress

<< Everything is in the attitude >> – Diane von Furstenberg

quentin crisp

<<Fashion is what you follow when you do not know who you are >> – Quentin Crispwriter, model and British satirist; certainly he had to know exactly who was or who he wants to seem to be.

Edit Head

Edith Head. Originally published October 28, 1974. Scanned for Hollywood Walk of Fame Project.

edith-head-google-doodle<< A dress should be tight enough to show that you are a woman and soft enough to prove that you are a lady>> and << You can get everything if you‘re dressed for it >> – Edit Head


<<Sometimes they fashionable things are so ugly and unattractive that it seems that fashion wants to demonstrate its power making us carry what is most detestable >> and

<< Fashion has the charm of the beginning and the end together, the charm of novelty and at the same time of the transience >> – George Simmel


<< Fashion is so unbearably bad that should be changed twice a year>>

<<Fashion is what one wears: wearing what others do is already out of fashion >> – Oscar Wilde

Elsa Schiapparelli

<<In difficult times fashion is always outrageous >> – Elsa Schiaparelli – are we the living proof of this?

Madonna wearing vionnet butterlies dress

<<The dress must not hang from the body but follow its lines. It must accompany the wearer and when a woman smiles, the dress must smile with her >> – Madeleine Vionnet

Erica Jong quote about fashion

<< May fashion be blessed because it keeps us fickle and reading, even when we want to be deep >> – Erica Jong.

I’ve always been obsessed about quote, so if you want to read more…quotes about fantasy.