
Never be fooled by appearances_the Rottweiler RTW

Which dog would you like to wear? The German Shepherd by Balenciaga or the Rottweiler by Givenchy? … I have no doubt. Threatening and aggressive these t-shirts invite you to show your most aggressive and determined face, at least in appearance. Just like the Rottweiler obedient and docile by nature. Fierce and rebellious ONLY for defense. Provocative and metropolitan they definitely do not go unnoticed. The capsule collection revived by Riccardo Tisci can be loved or hated.  It can even be considered offensive but it exactly reflects his concept of beauty “something between the extremely ugly and extremely fantastic.”

Quale cane indossereste? Il pastore tedesco di Balenciaga o il Rottweiler di Givenchy?…io non ho dubbi. Minacciose e aggressive queste t-shirt invitano a mostrarsi grintose e determinate, almeno all’apparenza. Proprio come il Rottweiler obbediente e docile per natura. Feroce e ribelle SOLO per difesa. Provocatorie e metropolitane non passano inosservate. La capsule collection riproposta da Riccardo Tisci puoi amarla o odiarla, perfino considerarla offensiva ma rispecchia il suo concetto di bellezza “qualcosa a metà tra l’estremamente brutto e l’estremamente fantastico”. 

The real face of a Rottweiler. Fashion sometimes distorts reality \ La vera faccia di un  Rottweiler. La moda talvolta distorce la realtà